Lucas Rosenblatt

PhD Candidatelr2872 (at) nyu.eduPersonal Website

Lucas is a third year PhD candidate at NYU advised by Julia Stoyanovich and working closely with Christoper Musco and Bill Howe (of UW). He is supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. His work aims to answer open questions on data privacy, algorithmic fairness and AI safety, with an eye towards improving society and doing social good.

He was formerly a member of the Microsoft AI rotational program, working out of the New England Research and Development lab (and remotely during COVID!). He graduated from Brown University in 2019.

Selected publications

  1. Epistemic Parity: Reproducibility as an Evaluation Metric for Differential Privacy
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Bernease Herman, Anastasia Holovenko, Wonkwon Lee, Joshua R. Loftus, Elizabeth McKinnie, Taras Rumezhak, Andrii Stadnik, Bill Howe, and Julia Stoyanovich
    SIGMOD Rec. 2024
  2. The Possibility of Fairness: Revisiting the Impossibility Theorem in Practice
    Andrew Bell, Lucius Bynum, Nazarii Drushchak, Tetiana Zakharchenko, Lucas Rosenblatt, and Julia Stoyanovich
    In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, FAccT, Chicago, IL, USA 2023
  3. Counterfactual Fairness Is Basically Demographic Parity
    Lucas Rosenblatt, and R Teal Witter
    Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023
  4. Spending Privacy Budget Fairly and Wisely
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Joshua Allen, and Julia Stoyanovich
    Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy (@ICML) 2022
  5. Critical Perspectives: A Benchmark Revealing Pitfalls in PerspectiveAPI
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Lorena Piedras, and Julia Wilkins
    In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact (NLP4PI) 2022
  6. Differentially private synthetic data: Applied evaluations and enhancements
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Xiaoyan Liu, Samira Pouyanfar, Eduardo Leon, Anuj Desai, and Joshua Allen
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.05537 2020
  7. PerfGuard: deploying ML-for-systems without performance regressions, almost!
    Remmelt Ammerlaan, Gilbert Antonius, Marc Friedman, HM Sajjad Hossain, Alekh Jindal, Peter Orenberg, Hiren Patel, Shi Qiao, Vijay Ramani, Lucas Rosenblatt, and  others
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2021
  8. Vocal programming for people with upper-body motor impairments
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Patrick Carrington, Kotaro Hara, and Jeffrey P Bigham
    In Proceedings of the 15th International Web for All Conference 2018
  9. All Aboard! Making AI Education Accessible
    Falaah Arif Khan, Lucius Bynum, Amy Hurst, Lucas Rosenblatt, Meghana Shanbhogue, Mona Sloane, and Julia Stoyanovich
    Center for Responsible AI, New York University 2023
  10. Spending Privacy Budget Fairly and Wisely
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Joshua Allen, and Julia Stoyanovich
    CoRR 2022
  11. Epistemic Parity: Reproducibility as an Evaluation Metric for Differential Privacy
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Bernease Herman, Anastasia Holovenko, Wonkwon Lee, Joshua R. Loftus, Elizabeth Mckinnie, Taras Rumezhak, Andrii Stadnik, Bill Howe, and Julia Stoyanovich
    Proc. VLDB Endow. 2023
  12. A Simple and Practical Method for Reducing the Disparate Impact of Differential Privacy
    Lucas Rosenblatt, Julia Stoyanovich, and Christopher Musco
    In Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2024, Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IAAI 2024, Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2014, February 20-27, 2024, Vancouver, Canada 2024