João Fonseca

Visiting Research Scholarjpfonseca(at) novaims.unl.ptPersonal Website

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João Fonseca worked as a Research Intern at NYU during spring 2023, advised by Professor Julia Stoyanovich and working closely with Andrew Bell and Venetia Pliatsika, with whom he continues to collaborate. He completed his Ph.D. and is an Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA Information Management School (Lisbon, Portugal). João Fonseca’s work aims to answer open questions on algorithmic recourse, Explainable AI, and Synthetic Data Generation.

João likes to play guitar, padel tennis, bouldering and surfing.

Selected publications

  1. Setting the Right Expectations: Algorithmic Recourse Over Time
    João Fonseca, Andrew Bell, Carlo Abrate, Francesco Bonchi, and Julia Stoyanovich
    In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization, EAAMO 2023, Boston, MA, USA, 30 October 2023 - 1 November 2023 2023
  2. The Game Of Recourse: Simulating Algorithmic Recourse over Time to Improve Its Reliability and Fairness
    Andrew Bell, João Fonseca, and Julia Stoyanovich
    In Companion of the 2024 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD/PODS 2024, Santiago AA, Chile, June 9-15, 2024 2024