Dec 8, 2021 - New York AI Summit
Julia Stoyanovich and Mona Sloane will speak at the NYC AI Summit on December 8, 2021. Dr. Stoyanovich will speak on Building Data Equity Systems, and Dr. Sloane will discuss Innovating Procurement to Mitigate the Risk of AI.
“Building Data Equity Systems,” Julia Stoanovich
December 8, 2021 @ 2:40pm EST Abstract: Equity as a social concept – treating people differently depending on their endowments and needs to provide equality of outcome rather than equality of treatment – lends a unifying vision for ongoing work to operationalize ethical considerations across technology, law, and society. In this session I will present a vision for designing, developing, deploying, and overseeing data-intensive systems that consider equity as an essential requirement. I will discuss ongoing technical work at the Center for Responsible AI at NYU, and will place this work into the broader context of policy, education, and public outreach.
“Innovating Procurement to Mitigate the Risk of AI,” Mona Sloane
December 8, 2021 @ 3:30pm EST Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly deployed in both the public and the private sector. While these systems can improve efficiencies in workflows, they can present risks and cause harms. Organizations are continually faced with having to mitigate these risks and harms while reaping the benefits of AI. This talk will assess the social implications of AI systems and suggest new pathways forward for innovating AI procurement to mitigate risks and harms.
For more information about this event, visit: